benjamin amos cohen
full name
marital status
benjamin amos cohen
ben, moss, cohen
32 (b. november 30, 1983)
new york, new york
greenwich village, manhattan, new york
multimedia editor at bbc worldwide
When you're younger you can't help dreaming about what you'll be in the future. Most answers you get from children are sports players, princesses, the president, astronauts. However, there was one little girl who would go to the beat of her own drum. When she grew up she wanted to be Oprah, why? It was a question that never received an answer, but sure enough Oprah was who she wanted to be. It was Monday, June 23rd in the year 1986 that Aalish Moreno Guerra was brought into the world. The second and only daughter born to Eduardo Aviles Guerra and Victoria Moreno Guerra of Chicago, Illinois, their son Christian was born on March 22, 1983. She was a typical little girl, had the whole little princess act down much to her brother’s dislike. It didn't take long before the sibling rivalry began between the Guerra children, almost to the point of cruelness. It got to the point where Aalish almost despised playing with her brother because it would often end up with her crying. As they got older the crying and childish fighting stopped only to turn into typical teenage rival and boy were those arguments intense and usually about the dumbest things ever.

In 1999 the Guerra family uprooted themselves and moved from Chicago to a town called Sleepy Hollow in New York. Aalish remembered the name from a story she had heard in school on Halloween a few years prior. Unlike her brother, she did not want to move, did not want to leave her friends and well definitely gave her parents and brother a hard time. However, Aalish eventually began to like the area and ended up meeting Holly Ammeson the girl who would become her best friend forever. Once it came time for high school to start things began to pick up even more so, especially with Kait by her side. She focused on her studies and friends and was able to backgroundlance things quite well. Realizing at a young age she didn’t need a guy to make her happy, Aalish only really casually dated not really digging the serious thing. She did date one guy in high school for almost all of junior year named Bart Minker, but it was just wasn't meant to be. Seriously, it was only a high school romance.

When Aalish was getting ready for both her fifteen birthday and her sophomore year of high school her brother dropped the bomb. He had enlisted and was off for basic training. Aalish was livid, why? Because he was leaving her. Sure, they didn't get along quite well, but in some way he kept her sane in their household. The day he left she couldn't even look him in the eyes, she honestly wanted to scream at him and beg him to stay. She didn’t even care that it would have looked crazy and probably would have confused him to no end, but alas she watched him go and that was that. Once Christian was gone Aalish went back to focusing on everything else in her life. Eventually graduating high school in 2004 she enrolled herself in Westchester Community College where she attended for two years and earned an associates degree in liberal arts. Instead of going on to continue her school once she was done with community college in 2006, Aalish instead focused on working and getting the hell out of her parents house. Sadly, it took a lot longer than she wished to do just that.

After working a few different odds and end jobs in late 2008 Aalish landed a job selling cellular phones for T-Mobile at a kiosk at the Palisades Center Mall in Nyack, New York. Although she wasn’t sure she was going to like it eventually Aalish fit right in with the other employees and began to do quite well for herself. Not wanting to never go back to school, she decided she would work until she could figure out where and what she wanted to do. In 2010 Aalish is still working at the kiosk, having the chance to work with Matthew Bragg-Spencer, one of her best friends she had met while still attending high school. And she also moved herself into a house with three other roommates in Dobbs Ferry. Her brother also returned from the military and their relationship is and will always be far from perfect, but the two are trying. She knows Christian went through a lot and she was his sister and would be there for him every step of the way, no matter what.

It was in late 2010, early 2011 when Aalish's world began to change. After harboring a crush on Matt for quite sometime, but a misunderstanding in the way, she finally admitted her feelings and so began that confusing road. What started off as secret moments and shared kisses turned into holding hands and going on dates. Eventually it went on to become this almost-relationship that no one besides the two actually really understood. In early 2011, Brandon and Matt asked Kait and Aalish to move in with them and although everyone was probably scared a bit, they all decided to give it a go. It was definitely an interesting decision, one that took minor getting use to.

In the fall of 2011, Aalish returned to school to receive a certification to become a licensed practical nurse. It was also around this time that Matt and Aalish hit one of the bumps along their road due to fear. It was something they would eventually over come, and as time would go by they would discover that discussing their issues helped strengthen their relationship immensely. Eventually Kait and Brandon married and moved out, and in their place Aalish's cousin Rudy moved into one of the spare rooms. 2012 brought a lot of changes, but the changes seemed to only strengthen the bonds that Aalish held in her life. Her relationship with her brother she tries to improve everyday, her relationships with her cousins have only become stronger, as her own with Matt. Now on her road to starting a job as an LPN, she's hoping to see where the future may end up leading to next.


+ occasionally likes to dabble in local and small eating competitions for fun. has come in second place four times, and has won first place. her goal is to win two more times before turning 30 and then she will give up this extracular activity.

+ always liked to keep in good shape, while growing up she took ballet classes and went on to play a year of field hockey in high school. currently tries to go to the gym two days a week at minimum.

+ after graduating high school she went on to attend westchester community college for two years where she earned an associates degree in liberal arts: humanities. since then she has taken off from school until she decides what she wants to do next. so until then she is steadily working.

+ has three tattoos. she's not totally sure if she will get more, but it is always a possibility one day. all three do have a meaning to her, so if inspiration occurs, then there will probably end up being a forth.

+ although matt and aalish always said they didn't need to get married, and had no issues just being together. on december 24, 2012 matt took aalish to the bronx zoo, where in front of their family and close friends asked her to be his wife. she said yes.